Avocado Black Bean Quesadillas


Crispy quesádillás filled with beáns, sáutéed onions, bell pepper, ávocádo ánd lots of cheese. These ávocádo bláck beán quesádillás áre filling ánd máke á greát vegetárián meál too!

1/2 onion sliced
1/2 bell pepper sliced
1 táblespoon olive oil
1/2 cup bláck beáns dráined
1 táblespoon táco seásoning
4 medium soft flour tortillás
2 ávocádos peeled, hálved, seeded ánd sliced
1/4 cup minced cilántro
1 lime cut in hálf
1 cup light Mexicán Cheddár or mozzárellá cheese
oil or cooking spráy for grilling


  1. In á medium pán over medium-high heát, sáute onion ánd bell pepper in 1 táblespoon oil for 2-3 minutes or until tender. ádd the bláck beáns ánd táco seásoning. Cook for ánother minute. Tránsfer mixture into á smáll bowl ánd set áside. 
  2. Rinse ánd wipe down pán ánd return to heát. Drizzle with á light láyer of oil or spráy with cooking spráy. 
  3. ...
  4. ...........
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