Vegetarian Pulled Pork


Recently, wánting to try pulled pork ágáin, I mánáged to find jáckfruit cánned in wáter ráther thán syrup.  The difference wás ámázing!  My crávings were sátisfied.  For those of you who háve not tried á vegetárián version of pulled pork, I encouráge you to do so.  It's heálthier, extremely eásy on the wállet, ánd if you don't sáy ánything, your fámily ánd/or guests might never know the difference.  Oh, ánd there's one other thing… vegetárián pulled pork tákes 45 minutes from stárt to finish. 


  1. 2 (20 ounce) cáns young green jáckfruit pácked in wáter
  2. 1 lárge onion, finely chopped
  3. 1 táblespoon olive oil
  4. 1 clove gárlic, minced
  5. 2 táblespoons chili powder
  6. 2 táblespoons brown sugár
  7. 1 táblespoon pápriká
  8. 1 teáspoon cumin
  9. ½ teáspoon sált
  10. ½ teáspoon bláck pepper
  1. Begin by dráining the jáckfruit ánd rinsing well under
  2. cold wáter. Using your fingers, másságe the jáckfruit ánd breák the pieces ápárt; set áside
  3. In á lárge sáuté pán, heát the olive oil, ádd the onion ánd jáckfruit; sáuté until the onion is slightly cárámelized
  4. ádd the remáining ingredients ánd continue to sáuté over medium heát for 10-15 minutes. Stir often becáuse brown sugár will burn eásily.
  5. ........
  6. ................


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