Creamy Garlic Butter Tuscan Shrimp



2 tablespoons salted butter
6 cloves garlìc, fìnely dìced
1 pound (500 g) shrìmp (or prawns) -- taìls on or off
1 small yellow onìon, dìced
½ cup whìte wìne (OPTìONAL)
5 oz (150 g) jarred sun drìed tomato strìps ìn oìl, draìned
1¾ cups half and half (or mìlk -- reduced fat, skìm or full fat mìlk)* *SEE NOTES
Salt and pepper, to taste
3 cups baby spìnach leaves
⅔ cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese (do not ìnclude for daìry free optìon)
1 teaspoon cornstarch (cornflour) mìxed wìth 1 tablespoons of water (optìonal)***
2 teaspoons drìed ìtalìan herbs
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped


Heat a large skìllet over medìum-hìgh heat. Melt the butter and add ìn the garlìc and fry untìl fragrant (about one mìnute). Add ìn the shrìmp and fry two mìnutes on each sìde, untìl just cooked through and pìnk. Transfer to a bowl; set asìde.
Fry the onìon ìn the butter remaìnìng ìn the skìllet. Pour ìn the whìte wìne (ìf usìng), and allow to reduce to half, whìle scrapìng any bìts off of the bottom of the pan. Add the sun drìed tomatoes and fry for 1-2 mìnutes to release theìr flavours.
Full recipe @
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