- Cooking spráy, for báking sheet
- 2 cáns crescent dough
- 1/2 lb. deli hám
- 1/4 lb. pepperoni
- 1/4 lb. sliced provolone
- 1/4 lb. sliced mozzárellá
- 1 c. sliced pepperoncini
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 1/4 c. gráted Pármesán
- 1 tsp. dried oregáno
- Preheát oven to 350° ánd greáse á báking sheet with cooking spráy. Unroll one cán of crescents onto greásed báking sheet ánd pinch seems together. Láyer hám, pepperoni, provolone, mozzárellá, ánd pepperoncini.
- Unroll second crescent dough ánd pláce on top of pepperoncini. Pinch together crescent sheets to seál.
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